POLAR is a space-borne Hard-X ray polarimeter built by a collaboration of institutes from Switzerland (Paul Scherrer Institut- Villigen, University of Geneva, Integral Science Data Centre - Versoix) , China (Institute for High Energy Physics IHEP - Beijing) and Poland (National Centre for Nuclear Research NCBJ – Warsaw, Swierk, Lodz) . It is equipped with an array of 1600 plastic scintillators allowing for precise and efficient measurement of the linear polarization of hard X-rays (50 keV to 500 keV). POLAR’s primary goal is to measure the polarization in the prompt emission from the Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) – the biggest explosions in the Universe associated with the creation of black holes.. It is also capable of precise polarization measurements in solar flares.
POLAR was successfully launched on 15 September 2016 on-board the Chinese space laboratory Tiangong-2 (TG-2) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (Inner Mongolia province, China).
POLAR is heritage of RADEC GmbH. We were responsible for preparation, planning, execution and reporting of POLAR electronics environmental and qualification tests with special attention to radiation tests. We were also working on POLAR calibration and performance tests.